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Eat to turn back the clock
Learn how to future proof your health

Eat To Turn Back the Clock

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Wishing u good health…naturally…
To your health | a votre santé| uf diini gesundheit

Are you ready to transform your health?

Welcome to balance ur bod nutrition consultancy , specialists in functional nutrition. Our obsession with detail, passion for science and friendly approach are the tools we use to help people from all backgrounds re-energise their lives and transform their health. When it comes to our health, we know when something isn’t right. Perhaps you have been feeling unwell for some time, yet despite visiting doctor after doctor, the cause is still unknown.

It could be that you have been diagnosed with one or more chronic illnesses, and are struggling with the side effects of your prescribed medication. You could simply want to lose weight sustainably, increase energy, improve digestion, or protect yourself from a family history of ill health. Whatever your concern, the personalised nutrition services we offer are designed to delve deeply into your history, lifestyle and habits, so that we can identify root causes and contributing factors.

We combine these findings with our vast knowledge of nutrition science, cutting-edge research, clinical experience, and of course, kindness and support. Our services involve easy-to-follow nutrition plans, advice and guidance that are completely bespoke to your needs. It may help to think of our nutritional approach as completing a detailed jigsaw puzzle with a friend. The box displays a picture of your best health, and it’s our job to work with you to put the pieces together in the right way.

Please enjoy browsing our site, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Are you ready to transform your health?


How can we help you on your health journey?

Our health affects every aspect of our daily lives. Whatever the reason, if we are not feeling emotionally or physically well, we are left drained, disheartened and unable to enjoy life as we all should.

We can often feel overwhelmed, scared and alone with our health issues, particularly if they remain undiagnosed, or you have been told that they are just a natural part of the ageing process.

The truth is that with the right knowledge, direction and support, we all have the ability to transform our health and live our very best lives – at any age. If you are ready to take control of your body, increase your energy levels and say “yes” to rewarding opportunities again, now is the ideal time to begin your journey to transformed health.

Balance Your Body offers a range of in-depth, science-based and supportive programmes that are designed to help you achieve your health goals. Each of the programmes we offer is tailored to your needs, and includes email access to a qualified functional nutritionist. Our vast knowledge of functional nutrition and lab testing combine with our clinical experience ensure the scientific accuracy needed to identify and address your concerns. Meanwhile, our compassionate approach provides the encouragement, motivation and kind support you need to make those vital lifestyle changes. Finally, be prepared for a lot of detail! Our programmes typically involve extensive investigation and laboratory analysis, so that we can make accurate, realistic recommendations that will work for you.

Are you ready? Let’s begin your health journey together, here and now.

Why use food as medicine?

Why use food as medicine?

Modern medicine has given us many blessings. In the first half of the 20th century, insulin was discovered. It soon became available as a drug, and subsequently type 1 diabetes was no longer a deadly disease. In the 1940s, antibiotics became available and have since...

7 Reasons Why You Need Herbs And Spices In Your Diet

7 Reasons Why You Need Herbs And Spices In Your Diet

Herbs and spices are ingredients with powerful protective health effects. Spices like turmeric, black pepper, cloves, and ginger, and herbs like rosemary, sage, and oregano can prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular...

5 Caffeine-Free Foods To Eat in the Morning For More Energy

5 Caffeine-Free Foods To Eat in the Morning For More Energy

Coffee and tea are by far the most popular beverages people drink to fuel their bodies in the morning, but what if I told you, you can feel just as energetic (or even more) without these stimulants? If you want to cut down your caffeine intake and still feel...

Functional Nutrition

Functional Nutrition is a progressive, science-based approach that blends individual nutritional counselling with laboratory testing. Its focus is uniquely holistic, assessing the way in which the food we eat affects our bodies on a cellular level. Through functional nutrition, health concerns and imbalances are both identified and able to be addressed, leaving us to embrace life as our best functioning selves.


Individual Programmes and Consultations

Your health is personal, and the details are completely unique to you. Our individual consultations and programmes are personalised and supportive, completely focused on helping you make healthier decisions that transform the way you approach your life. Learn More


Practitioner Support

Balance ur bod nutrition consultancy founder Lisa Fouladi is an experienced functional health practitioner and a qualified, BANT-registered nutritional therapist. She is able to offer support to practitioners in search of assistance with laboratory testing and results interpretation, or advice regarding complex cases.
Please contact us to Learn More


Online Programmes

Balance ur bod nutrition consultancy offers a range of online self-study courses that are designed to work for individuals and groups interested in understanding the power of whole food as well as functional nutrition. Click Here