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Eat to turn back the clock
Learn how to future proof your health

Eat To Turn Back the Clock

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Wishing u good health…naturally…
To your health | a votre santé| uf diini gesundheit

About Me


About Me

Hi, I am Lisa Fouladi, I am a functional nutritionist. I love what I do!! I help clients to break free from low energy, pain and long-term health and weight issues so that you can enjoy the freedom that good and vibrant health provides – I have the best job in the World!

When people ask me what I do, I tell them:

‘I help you feel better through nutrition so that you can enjoy fulfilling, vibrant lives and have the energy that you could only dream about’

But what I really want to say is:

‘I show people how to eat to achieve their health goals, eating delicious real food which makes healthy eating feel like a guilty pleasure.’

BUT what I really, really want to say is:

‘ I am committed to achieving breakthroughs for each of my clients. What this means is that I listen and watch summits, conferences and webinars, get lost on Pubmed doing research on client health and nutrition issues, binge read health, nutrition, and food blogs, journal articles from various scholarly academic journals and pour this information into practical action plans for my clients so they achieve the health and energy of their dreams. I am an eternal student (aka mega nutrition nerd) and have an insatiable curiosity to use this information to help people.’

What makes me special?

You may think I would discuss my education, and hands-on work with clients. You might also think I’m special because I am a passionate Functional Nutrition practitioner and I love to research and uncover the root cause of health issues in order for my clients to feel better. That’s not where I’m going.

What makes me special is that I truly care. I’ve seen so much suffering in my work with clients and within my own family and in the world. I’ve experienced the pain of not knowing how to help someone in desperate need, wondering why pain, illness and unhappiness occur. This has confirmed me as a compassionate care-giver. My days often consist of 15 to 18 hours of work and research, day in, day out. I will stop at nothing researching a particular client case to get to the root cause(s), which are often complex and multi-factorial. I then translate this into practical solutions and support my clients through every step of the implementation process. I see the whole picture and believe fully in the amazing ability of our bodies to return to balance and optimum functioning. As I said, I have the BEST job in the World!!

Things you didn’t know about me…

  • I am a mega introvert and intensely private and prefer to be in the background helping people shine.
  • I have a major sweet tooth and have been on my own blood sugar, gut, energy and hormone balancing journey.
  • I love art, you are likely to see me at an art vernissage, or art fair. I am particularly fond of Iranian contemporary artists.
  • You are as likely to see me in a library doing research as riding horses.
  • My favorite animal is a stallion. They are noble, proud, and beautiful creatures, strong but really sensitive and need to be dealt with respect, although they can be quite lively and naughty and sometimes wild…
  • I love bright vibrant colours and more subtle ones: turquoise, terracotta and limestone.
  • Nature is my inspiration. Nature is true perfection ‘‘Nature never breaks her own laws.’ Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519)
  • Last and most importantly I saved the best for last. I’m a mom. I love my daughter who I have had the privilege of loving and raising. She is in her 20s now and creating the life of her dreams.

My approach:

My approach is unique and science-based, integrating the disciplines of Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional Therapy, Integrative and Functional Nutrition and Coaching to uncover the root causes and systemic imbalances of health issues.

Whilst it is true that you can’t change your health overnight, with your commitment to a programme, I can help you to break free of your health issues, to have more energy and vibrant health and start to feel better every day. It really IS possible, but most people need support.

I would love to help you!

Why use food as medicine?

Why use food as medicine?

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Functional Nutrition

Functional Nutrition is a progressive, science-based approach that blends individual nutritional counselling with laboratory testing. Its focus is uniquely holistic, assessing the way in which the food we eat affects our bodies on a cellular level. Through functional nutrition, health concerns and imbalances are both identified and able to be addressed, leaving us to embrace life as our best functioning selves.

Who I Work With

In addition to having my own private practice I work as nutritionist with: